Psilocybin for Alcohol Addiction

New research reveals that the psychedelic compound in magic mushrooms, in combination with talk therapy, could be a promising treatment for people with alcohol addiction.

In a study published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry, scientists found that patients taking this drug, called psilocybin, had an 83 percent decline in heavy drinking, while those who took a placebo experienced a 51 percent decline.

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Psilocybin Being Researched As Aid for Alzheimer's and Depression

The largest psychedelic research center in the world, and the first of its kind in the United States, will open at Johns Hopkins Medicine in Maryland. Funded by $17 million from private donors, the Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research will conduct research into the use of psychedelic drugs in the treatment of addiction, PTSD, depression, Alzheimer's disease and more.

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